Extra gap between the table cells
(too old to reply)
Adhitama Hertanto
2010-12-08 04:32:46 UTC
I am making an online portfolio for myself and using table to create a
navigation list on the left of the page.


There seems to be an extra gap between each cells and I don't see them
in dreamweaver. I have tried to get rid of the table height and
aligning the cells to top and bottom but nothing seems to work. Is
there another way?

My code is:

<table width="1237" height="522" border="0" cellpadding="0"

<td width="156" height="134" valign="bottom"><p
<p class="GeosanLight2">State of Mind</p>
<p class="GeosanLight">Cloud 9</p>
<p class="GeosanLight">Black Rose</p>
<td width="26" rowspan="10">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="183" rowspan="10" class="BebasNeue style4">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="394" rowspan="10">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="478" rowspan="10">&nbsp;</td>

<td height="32" valign="bottom"><p
class="BebasYellow">Illustration</p> </td>
<td valign="bottom"><p class="GeosanLight2">It's Your World</p>
<p class="GeosanLight">King Kong</p>
<p class="GeosanLight">Personal Army</p> </td>
<td height="32" valign="bottom"><p class="BebasGreen">Identity</
p> </td>
<td height="51" valign="bottom"><p class="GeosanLight2">A3
<p class="GeosanLight">BeforeAfters</p> </td>
<td height="36" valign="bottom"><p
class="BebasPurple">photography</p> </td>
<td height="48" valign="bottom"><p class="GeosanLight2">Angels</p>
<p class="GeosanLight">Island of the Gods</p></td>
<td height="38" class="BebasWhite" valign="bottom">profile</td>
<td height="26" valign="bottom"><span class="BebasWhite">email</
<td height="26" valign="bottom"><span class="BebasWhite">Blog</
<td height="18" colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>
Duncan Kennedy
2010-12-08 10:20:52 UTC
Post by Adhitama Hertanto
I am making an online portfolio for myself and using table to create a
navigation list on the left of the page.
There seems to be an extra gap between each cells and I don't see them
in dreamweaver. I have tried to get rid of the table height and
aligning the cells to top and bottom but nothing seems to work. Is
there another way?
Try removing the <p> from each entry - or, at least, the "p" itself in
order to keep your class statements.

The "p" is putting in a new paragraph - 2 line feeds.
Come back if that doesn't help.
Duncan Kennedy
2010-12-08 12:26:24 UTC
Post by Duncan Kennedy
Post by Adhitama Hertanto
I am making an online portfolio for myself and using table to create a
navigation list on the left of the page.
There seems to be an extra gap between each cells and I don't see them
in dreamweaver. I have tried to get rid of the table height and
aligning the cells to top and bottom but nothing seems to work. Is
there another way?
Try removing the <p> from each entry - or, at least, the "p" itself in
order to keep your class statements.
The "p" is putting in a new paragraph - 2 line feeds.
Following up my own post for clarity.

Change <p class . . . .
<span class . . . . . .

Remove any matching /p>

See if that sorts it.